Category: Case Studies
Interior & Exterior design social network with AI integrations
A Social Network for Interior/Exterior designers with AI integrations. Like DALL-E from Open AI. And image super-resolution scaling.App StoreWebsite Image Super-Resolution Scaling using AI – MLModels – running the processing on iOS devices.
Restaurant Booking & Bill Splitting Solution
Our team developed the mobile software for restaurant booking and bill splitting. Key features:
Video-Powered Retail Platform
Our experts have developed the critical mobile functionality for the first versions of the Video-Powered Retail Platform – allowing the company to get to the market within few month. Timeline: Key features:
Concrete Delivery Management Solution
Our team took part in Software Architecture design of a solution for Concrete Delivery Management.
iBeacon Indoor Positioning & Navigation
We have developed a POC for iBeacon Indoor Positioning & Navigation. Which was intended to be used for navigation inside of the Trade Centers, where the GPS positioning is not available. Integrating the targeted adds with discounts and special propositions for the potential customers that are passing by.